Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Learning English

English is a universal language and is spoken in many countries in the world. English is the official language of 45 countries in the world. Communication is very important in today's time; English provides the medium for all the cultures to communicate through books, movies, plays, the computer world, internet or other resources. English can be at least understood almost everywhere among scholars and educated people, All over the planet people know many English words, their pronunciation and meaning. Many companies in today's time require their employees to be well versed with English, so that they can communicate with the company's international clients. In such a situation, employees with good command on the language are at an advantage. All computer languages use English as its base language, so one needs to know Basic English to be an IT professional. This is why learning English is really important for a person in these times.
English is safe the time and if it is not most spoken language in the world but it is international language in the world. i think that it is easy to learn, easy to read, easy to write, and easy to speak. so we should learn English language for our better life purpose
The concept of a Universal Language is more significant only now, in the era of world mass communication. Before this era Greek, Latin, French were to some extent universal languages, though mainly in Europe. By a lucky coincidence due to factors above, English, the Universal language, is one of the simplest and easiest natural languages in the world. The only other simple and easy languages are constructed ones.
First of all, English Language uses Latin alphabet, the most universal, simple and short one (only the Greek alphabet is shorter and simpler). In addition, in English, the Latin Alphabet presents its most "clean" form as a true alphabet with only 26 basic letters and no diacritics; Verb conjugation is very simple and easy. Even for irregular verbs, there is almost no variation in person (except 3rd singular in present tense).
Regular verbs have only four forms: Infinitive + Present, Past Tense + Past Participle, 3rd person singular Present Indicative, Present Participle.
Why do people learn English?
1. English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion
2. English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce, research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be understated
3. Many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
4. Most of the content produced on the internet (50%) is in English. So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available
5. When travel to different countries, English is often the most common “bridge” language. Meaning that you could meet with people from five different countries at the same time and it is likely the only common language between all five people is English. English is able to connect people from many different countries and cultures more so than other languages. English is also a common language in tourism worldwide. If you want to take a tour of different historical places or go to a hotel in the Caribbean; English is usually what the majority of the staff or workers know how to speak besides their local or native language. 

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

Global Warming

Often the people who complained about the perceived hot weather, you are not wrong because the data are indeed showed the planet continues to experience alarming increase in temperature from year to year. Advances in technology are rapidly evolving, many produce some sophisticated products that it actually creates an atmosphere and environment that is not environmentally friendly. Many office buildings and housing built makes the least space for greening. Besides the many natural phenomena that tend to be getting out of control lately. Ranging from flood, tornado, blowouts, until the rainfall is erratic from year to year.
Be aware that all of these are natural signs that indicate that our beloved planet is currently undergoing a process of damage that leads to destruction. This is directly related to global issues more intense lately discussed by the world community, namely Global Warming or Global Warming.
Global Warming or Global Warming is the increase of temperature average of the atmosphere, ocean and land Earth. At this time the Earth is warming rapidly, which by scientists considered to be caused by human activity. As a result of the heat of the earth that lead to high evaporation and precipitation fell in erratic. The main cause is the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which releases carbon dioxide and other gases that dikelan as a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere (Darsono, 1993).
The causes of global warming:
1. Greenhouse Effect
All energy sources that exist on Earth comes from the sun. Most of the energy is in bentukradiasi short waves, including visible light. When this energy on the Earth's surface, he turned on the light into heat that warms the Earth. Earth's surface will absorb some of the heat and reflect the rest. Some of this heat as long-wave infrared radiation into space. However, some heat remains trapped in the earth's atmosphere due to the accumulated amount of greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane that become traps for this radiation.
These gases absorb and reflect radiation emitted by the Earth and consequently the heat stored in the Earth's surface. This happens repeatedly and resulted in an annual average temperature of the earth continues to increase. These gases functioning as the glass in a greenhouse. With the increasing concentration of these gases in the atmosphere, the more heat is trapped below. Actually, the greenhouse effect is very much needed by all living things on earth, because without it, the planet would be very cool. So that the ice will cover the entire surface of the Earth. However, due to the amount of these gases in the atmosphere has been excessive, be a consequence of global warming.
2. Effects Feedback
The effects of global warming-causing agents are also influenced by various feedback processes that result. An example is the evaporation of water. In the case of warming caused by greenhouse gases such as CO2, warming will initially cause greater volumes of water that evaporates into the atmosphere. Because water vapor is itself a greenhouse gas, warming will continue and increase the amount of water vapor in the air until it reaches equilibrium with the water vapor concentration. The resulting greenhouse effect greater than the effect of CO2 alone. (Although this feedback raises the absolute water content in the air, the relative humidity of the air is almost constant or even fall because the air becomes warm). This feedback can be reversed only slowly because of CO2 have longevity in the atmosphere.
Feedback effects due to the influence of clouds is the subject of current research. When viewed from below, clouds will reflect infrared radiation back to the surface, thereby increasing the warming effect. In contrast when viewed from above, the clouds will reflect sunlight and infrared radiation into space, thereby increasing the cooling effect. Is the net effect of heating or cooling depends on some specific details such as the type and height of these clouds. These details are difficult to represent in climate models, partly because the clouds are very small compared to the distance between the boundaries of computational climate models (around 125 to 500 km for models used in the IPCC Fourth Report of view.
Another important feedback is the loss of reflectance (albedo) by ice. When global temperatures rise, ice near the poles melts at an increasing rate. Together with the melting of the ice, land or water below opens. Both land and water has the ability to reflect light much less when compared to ice, and consequently will absorb more solar radiation. This will add to warming and causing even more ice to melt, causing a continuous cycle.
Positive feedback due to release of CO2 and CH4 from the softening of frozen ground (permafrost) are other mechanisms that contribute to warming. In addition, the ice that melts will also release CH4 which also give rise to positive feedback. The ability of the oceans to absorb carbon will also be reduced when he warmed up, this is caused by the decline in the level of nutrients in the mesopelagic zone, limiting the growth of phytoplankton diatoms rather than a carbon sink that low.
The impact of global warming facts lead to rising sea levels, climate change, damage to organisms and ecosystems, and influence on water availability and agriculture. The rise in the average temperature of the earth is one of evidence for climate change. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) the average global temperature will increase at a rate of 0.3 derat Celsius per decade. It is estimated for 2030 to 2050 the average global temperature rose 1.50 up to 4.5 degrees Celsius even be 50 in 2100.
This temperature rise resulted in glaciers on the poles of the earth melts. Ice earth will melt into the sea water and add sea level. If the CO2 concentration increases 2-4kali of current conditions in the span of 100 years would raise sea level approximately 0.25 m.
We certainly realize how hot the temperature around us lately. We can also see how no predictability arrival of the rainy season or drought which resulted in losses for farmers because the growing season is supposed to be done in the dry season turned out to rain. You can also look at cases of extreme storms that have never hit areas in Indonesia terntentu. In recent years we more often hit by storms that disrupt shipping and transport either via sea or air.
The problem now is the high greenhouse gases as a result of human activities that can affect the Earth's climate, causing global warming (Global Warming). Therefore, global climate change affect the state of nature as a whole must be maintained. It is time for the earth to be inhabited rescued longer and comfortable. Many ways can be done to participate in saving the planet, including refrigerators and air conditioners do not use the wok freonnya made of the type of CFC, energy saving, no littering that can produce methane gas, and process waste into compost. In addition, the diversification of energy from renewable fuels (biofuels), greening around the house, and using appropriate technology and environmentally friendly.
Now this has become a problem of global warming along with the countries in the world, where global warming has an impact on climate change and trigger a natural disaster such as a flood, tornado, earthquake, and many other natural phenomena that can endanger human life earth. UNFCCC as one UN agency spearheading a conference to discuss climate change at that time was held in Bali. In fact, Emil Salim estimated that at least 23 tidka uninhabited islands in Indonesia will be immersed in the last 10 years.
Actually attempts to anticipate natural phenomenon caused by global warming is very easy to do, just how consciousness of mankind in the world in preserving and saving the forest. No one seems if the Indonesian government should firmly against illegal logging has been done by people who are not responsible and concerned with personal gain. The government also should immediately re-plan and carry out reforestation programs as he had done in previous years. This program can be done by cooperating institutions easily movable, such as holding military and police, as well as in the countries in the world.
Re-use and Recycling if applicable, the energy saved is enough to provide energy supply for 1.4 million homes, reducing 27,047 tons of water pollution, saves 14 million trees, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 3.8 million cars. And also use alternative transportation to reduce carbon emissions.
We really need to begin to practice in daily life. Do a gradual but consistent with our commitment. Hopefully human consciousness in the world for protecting and preserving the environment has always maintained, so that the effects of global warming can be reduced as soon as possible.

Selasa, 28 April 2015

Passive Voice and examples

·         Definiton of Passive Voice
Passive voice is a grammatical construction where the subject of the sentence is not to take action, but rather accept the action or follow-up (receiver of action) by another agent (DOER of action) either mentioned or not. In contrast, the active construction, subject directly related to the verb to act as agents of action. Active sentence can be transformed into passive, but only transitive verb (followed by direct object ) that can be enforced so.
Allows the Object of the preposition to do something to it, we say that the sentence or the verb of that sentence is in PASSIVE VOICE.
·         Illustration
For example :
The cat killed the rat.          (Active Voice)
The cat = subject of the sentence
killed     = verb of the sentence
the rat  = the object of the verb
Now, who killed whom?  =
‘the cat’ – the subject of the sentence killed “the rat” – the object of the verb.
We say that this sentence or the verb of this sentence is in Active Voice because
the subject ‘the cat’ does the killing.
Let’s see what this sentence is about…
The rat was killed by the cat.    (PASSIVE VOICE)
The rat = subject of the sentence
was killed = verb of the sentence
the cat = the object of the preposition “by”
Now, who killed whom?    ‘The rat killed the cat’?  Noooooo….
Even in his sentence ‘the cat’ killed ‘the rat’, but not ‘the rat’ killed ‘the cat’!
Though ‘the rat’ is actually the subject of the sentence, it is not doing anything
but passively allowing ‘the cat’ which is the object of the preposition ‘by’ to kill it.
As the subject of the sentence does not do anything but allows passively something
to be done to it, we say that this sentence or the verb of this sentence is in PASSIVE VOICE.
How do we know who does what?  Well, the answer is in the VERB – ‘was killed’!
the verb – was killed – one verb, two parts — simple past tense – Passive Voice.
Suppose the second sentence was like this: ‘The rat killed the cat.’ (which might be correct according to the grammar rules but would not be sensible) we would say that this sentence or the verb of this sentence was in Active Voice.
·         The Formula/ Tense Passive Voice
1. Simple Past : was/were + the past participle V3 form of the Main Verb
2. Past Continuous : was/were + being + the past participle V3 form of the Main Verb
3. Past Perfect :  had + been + the Past Participle V3 form of the Main Verb
4. Past Perfect Continuous —— no passive voice for this tense ——
1. Simple Present :  is/am/are + the Past Participle V3 form of the Main Verb
2. Present Continuous :  is/am/are + being + the Past Participle V3 form of the Main Verb
3. Present Perfect :  has/have + been + the past participle V3 form of the Main Verb
4. Present Perfect Continuous ——— no passive voice for this tense ———
1. Simple Future :  will/shall + be + the Past Participle V3 form of the Main Verb
2. Future Continuous ——— no passive voice for this tense ———
3. Future Perfect : will/shall + have + been + the Past Participle V3 form of the Main Verb
4. Future Perfect Continuous ——— no passive form for this tense ———
There are only EIGHT TENSES in Passive Voice. The ‘Past Perfect Continuous’, ‘Present Perfect Continuous’, ‘Future Continuous’ and the ‘Future Perfect Continuous’ Tenses are not used in Passive Voice in modern English. The Active Voice sentences having these four Tenses are not changed into Passive Voice. The Main Verb in any Tense in Passive Voice takes only the Past Participle — V3 – form!
·         Example of Passive Voice
a.       Active to Passive sentences
The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
Robert repaired the car.
The car was repaired by Robeth.
Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.
The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.
Adam had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.
Many cars had been repaired by Adam before he received his mechanic's license.
Once a week, Steve cleans the bathroom.
Once a week, the bathroom is cleaned by Steve.
Right now, Alicia is writing the letter.
Right now, the letter is being written by Alicia.
Many tourists have visited Kuta beach.
Kuta beach has been visited by many tourists.
Recently, Bruno has been doing the work.
Recently, the work has been being done by Bruno.
Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to London.
The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to London.
Paula is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Paula tonight.
b. Passive to Active sentences
All your old letters have been kept.
I have kept all your old letters.
The effects of unemployment are discussed in the article.
The article discusses the effects of unemployment.
A huge profit was made by the company.
The company made a huge profit.
It has been decided by the class that everyone should get an "A."
The class has decided that everyone should get an "A."
The job will have been finished by us by next month.
We will have finished the job by next month.
By Tuesday, an agreement had been reached by us.
By Tuesday, we had reached an agreement.
Our proposal will be mailed next week.
We will mail our proposal next week.
My arm was broken by me.
I broke my arm.
This house was purchased by Jane yesterday.
Jane purchased this house yesterday.
The last cheese cake was eaten by whom?
Who ate the last cheese cake?

References :

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

About My Hobby

Hi There! My name Selvia Devy Hartanti. 20-years-old college student who is usually called Pia by my friends. I am currently undergoing on final level courses. Did not feel I was in the final stages of the course. It seems like just yesterday I started the lecture hehe.
Alright. Here I have the task of having a hobby. But before I tell you about my hobby, of course you guys must already know what is the definition of a hobby right? I think hobby is an activity that usually or often people do, in his spare time, to please themselves. Does everyone have a hobby? Certainly has. No exception for me.
Actually, I have many hobbies. But I will only tell two hobbies that most often I do. One is listening to music. Why music? It seems not a hobby huh? I do not just listen to music. I explore. Explore the genre / song what I have not heard of and enjoy, then I input it into my playlist. Of course in addition to please myself.
When it comes to music, all music fans definitely got their idol respectively. Including me. For the country, I choose Raisa. Besides her undoubtedly voice quality, she has a good music taste too. Brian Mcknight and Alicia Keys are most influential musicians to Raisa. Raisa always look beautiful, I wish I could be like her.
From abroad, currently I'm idolizing Ariana Grande. Young, talented, and has a good voice. Very inspiring. Starting from the song Almost Is Never Enough, to the song Love Me Harder that I listen most now.

My second hobby is watching movies. Sounds usual, but I really like to watch movies. Various types of movie genre, from animation, comedy, drama, horror, to the action. Just like music, I love to explore. Trying movie genre what I have not seen. Finding out what is typical of various movie director, especially abroad renowned director.
Like how Michael Bay, Transformers movie director who loved by a lot people, make a movie with lots of explosions and the effects are so real. How James Wan, director of horror movies that love making “sadistic killings” scene like in his movie SAW, or a scene full of "surprises" like in the movie Insidious series and The Conjuring. How James Cameron made the film Titanic, starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio so memorable to this day. Or, what about Adam Sandler fill his films with his typical jokes. At least those are the little things that I know about the filmmakers outside hehe.
It is hardly fair if not discussing domestic movies as well. Although not much that I know about Indonesian movies.
One of the Indonesian movies that I like is the Laskar Pelangi adaptation of the book by Andrea Hirata. The movie tells a story about the struggle of how poor children in Belitung, to gain knowledge/ education. Struggle to find the 10th students so that the class can be able start. The struggle for the distance between home and school, passing arid grass and through swamps filled with crocodiles. This movie is very touching. Very inspiring. I hope Riri Riza would make sequel after Sang Pemimpi (there are Edensor and Maryamah Karpov).

Alright. I think that is enough about my hobby. I just share a story of how I do and I know about my hobby. Hopefully my story can be entertaining to read. Maybe you guys have a more exciting and more unique hobbies, I would be happy to listen if you also want to share hehe.

  Have a Good Day!

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Manajemen Keuangan Internasional

1.      Tujuan Manajemen Keuangan Internasional
a.       membantu manajer keuangan dalam memprediksi kejadian-kejadian internasional dan dampak kejadian-kejadian internasional terhadap keputusan keuangan perusahaan,
b.      mengetahui siklus ekonomi dunia (tumbuh, krisi, recovery),
c.       mengetahui kelebihan MNC dalam memberdayakan NSB sehingga NSB tergantung kepadanya,
d.      mengetahui moral bangsa (patriot, kapitalis birokrat, kapitalis komprador),
e.       memahami karakter MNC yang hanya berorientasi mencari keuntungan tanpa peduli nasib banyak rakyat yang dikuasainya,
f.       mengetahui aliran dana dari negara maju ke NSB dan dari NSB ke negara maju.

2.      Ciri-Ciri Multinasional Company
a.       Lingkup kegiatan income generating (perolehan pendapatan) perusahaan multinasional melampau batas- batas Negara.
b.      Perdagangan dalam perusahaan multinasional kebanyakan terjadi di dalam lingkup perusahaan itu sendiri, walaupun antarnegara.
c.       Control terhadap pemakaian teknologi dan modal sangat diutamakan mengingat kedua factor tersebut merupakan keuntungan kompetitif perusahaan multinasional.
d.      Pengembangan system managemen dan distribusi yang melintasi batas-batas Negara, terutama system modal ventura, lisensi dan franchise.

3.      Metode Go International :
1)      Ekspor
Bentuk keterlibatan perusahaan dalam bisnis internasional yang paling sederhana. Perusahaan menggunakan kapasitas produksi domestic yang dimilikinya untuk produksi, distribusi, administrasi & mengalokasikan sejumlah tertentu produksi dalam negerinya untuk pasar luar negeri.
·         Kelebihan :
-          Risiko amat kecil dan meningkatkan penjualan serta mengurangi stok barang perusahaan
-          Eksportir tidak terlibat dalam masalah yang berkaitan dengan iklim  usaha di luar negeri
-          Merupakan cara mudah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi pasar dan memperkenalkan merek dagang.

·         Kekurangan :
-          Melakukan ekspor mungkin lebih mahal dibanding metode lain dilihat dari per unit biaya terutama biaya komisi, bea ekspor, pajak, dan transportasi; dan juga karena kesalahan yang sering dilakukan pemula
-          Kurang dapat digunakan sebagai alat penetrasi pasar yang optimal karena pengepakan atau promosi yang kurang digarap dengan benar
-          Tambahan pangsa pasar dapat hilang bila pesaing lokal menjiplak produk/ jasa yang ditawarkan eksportir.

2)      Lisensi
Suatu perusahaan pemberi lisensi menghibahkan beberapa hak (intangible rights) kepada perusahaan asing, yang meliputi pemberian hak untuk memproses, hak paten, program, merek, hak cipta, atau keahlian.
·         Kelebihan :
-          Pemberi lisensi menerima tambahan keuntungan dibanding hanya terpaku pada suatu proses/ metode di dalam negeri
-          Dapat memperluas siklus hidup produk perusahaan
-          Perusahaan pemberi lisensi sering mengalami peningkatan penjualan atas penggantian suku cadang di luar negeri
-          Bagi perusahaan penerima lisensi akan mendapat hak memproses dan teknologi, yang pada gilirannya mengurangi biaya riset dan pengembangan.
·         Kekurangan :
-          Membatasi kesempatan mendapat keuntungan di masa depan karena hak khusus perusahaan diperluas sampai periode tertentu
-          Dengan memberikan hak kepada perusahaan lain, perusahaan pemberi lisensi kehilangan kontrol terhadap kualitas produk dan proses, penyalahgunaan kekayaan, dan bahkan perlindungan terhadap reputasi perusahaan.

3)      Waralaba
Hampir sama dengan pemberian lisensi. Selain menghibahkan izin penggunaan nama, proses, metode, atau merek, perusahaan induk membantu penerima franchise dalam operasi dan atau pasok bahan mentah.
·         Kelebihan :
-          Meningkatnya penerimaan dan perluasan nama merek produk, serta perluasan pasar.
·         Kekurangan :
-          Bagaimana mengatasi masalah kontrol terhadap kualitas dan standar operasi
-          Perlunya melakukan sedikit adaptasi terhadap produk atau jasa yang sudah distandardisasi.

4)      Penanaman Modal Asing
Merupakan bentuk investasi dengan jalan membangun, membeli total atau mengakuisisi perusahaan. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal adalah kegiatan menanam modal untuk melakukan usaha di wilayah Republik Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh penanam modal asing, baik menggunakan modal asing sepenuhnya maupun yang berpatungan dengan penanam modal dalam negeri (Pasal 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal).
·         Kelebihan :
-          Sifatnya jangka panjang,
-          Banyak memberikan andil dalam alih teknologi,
-          Alih keterampilan manajemen,
-          Membuka lapangan kerja baru. Lapangan kerja ini, sangat penting bagi negara sedang berkembang mengingat terbatasnya kemampuan pemerintah untuk penyediaan lapangan kerja
-          Masuknya modal baru untuk pembangunan
-          Menambah devisa negara
-          Berdirinya perusahaan-perusahaan baru sehingga adanya pemasukan bagi negara berupa pajak penghasilan
-          Berpengalaman dalam perdagangan internasional (ekspor-impor)
-          Menciptakan permintaan produk dalam negeri sebagai bahan baku
-          Permintaan terhadap Fluktuasi bunga bank dan valas
-          Memberikan perlindungan politik dan keamanan wilayah
·         Kerugian :
-          Perusahaan asing yang dikelola oleh pihak asing, maka kebijakan manajemennya sesuai dengan operasional perusahaan asing
-          Manajemen keuangan perusahaan asing bersifat tertutup, sehingga perusahaan tidak dapat diketahui sehat atau tidak
-          SDA yang dikelola asing dengan hak dan kewajiban sebagaimana diatur undang-undang, sering menimbulkan dampak lingkungan dan sosial dimana perusahaan baru tersebut akan didirikan
-          Bagi hasil (Product Sharing) tidak sebanding dengan kerusakan yang timbul dan harus ditanggung oleh pemerintah atau masyarakat itu sendiri.
-          Perusahaan asing mencari keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya dan keuntungannya dibawa ke negaranya
-          Diskriminasi pendapatan antara pegawai asing dan pegawai lokal
-          Manajemen produksi sulit untuk diawasi terutama dalam perkembangannya
-          Perusahaan asing akan menguasai pasar lokal, sehingga dikhawatirkan produk dalam negeri tidak mampu bersaing dengan produk asing dan kehilangan pasar lokal
-          Banyaknya perusahaan asing melakukan merger, akuisisi terhadap perusahaan lokal bahkan isunya saham BUMN telah dijual ke perusahaan asing sehingga dapat menimbulkan monopoli harga
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